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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web


Showing 401-450 out of 509

Add-ons Directory Table
Name (click for details) Version Compatibility Download

Search With (searchWith)

2.6.4 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 searchWith 2.6.4 (stable)

Show selection when braille is tethered to review (showSelectionWhenBrailleTetheredToReview)

2024.0827.0 (dev) From NVDA 2024.2 up to 2025.1 showSelectionWhenBrailleTetheredToReview 2024.0827.0 (dev)

Show selection when braille is tethered to review (showSelectionWhenBrailleTetheredToReview)

2024.1124.0 (beta) From NVDA 2024.2 up to 2025.1 showSelectionWhenBrailleTetheredToReview 2024.1124.0 (beta)

Show selection when braille is tethered to review (showSelectionWhenBrailleTetheredToReview)

2024.1125.0 (stable) From NVDA 2024.4 up to 2024.4 showSelectionWhenBrailleTetheredToReview 2024.1125.0 (stable)

Single Image Blob Interface Accessible Control (sibiac)

0.23p2b8 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2022.1 sibiac 0.23p2b8 (stable)

Single Image Blob Interface Accessible Control (sibiac)

0.23p2b6 (pretest) From NVDA 0.0 up to 2021.1 sibiac 0.23p2b6 (pretest)

OCR module for SIBIAC add-on (sibiac_ocr)

0.1p3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2022.1 sibiac_ocr 0.1p3 (stable)

skype (skype)

2024.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2018.1 up to 2024.1 skype 2024.1.1 (stable)

Sleep (sleep)

2021.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2021.1 sleep 2021.1.0 (stable)

Text snippet handling features for NVDA (snippetsForNVDA)

1.0.9 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 snippetsForNVDA 1.0.9 (stable)

NVDA Sonar (sonar)

0.1 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 sonar 0.1 (stable)

Sonata Neural Voices (sonata_neural_voices)

3.0 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.3 sonata_neural_voices 3.0 (stable)

Sound Splitter (soundSplitter)

24.0.4 (stable) From NVDA 2022.4 up to 2024.1 soundSplitter 24.0.4 (stable)

Sound Splitter (soundSplitter)

24.0.504 (dev) From NVDA 2022.4 up to 2024.1 soundSplitter 24.0.504 (dev)

Sound Manager (soundmanager)

2024.04.26 (stable) From NVDA 2019.1 up to 2024.1 soundmanager 2024.04.26 (stable)

Speak Passwords (speakPasswords)

1.01 (stable) From NVDA 2012.3 up to 2019.2 speakPasswords 1.01 (stable)

Typed Word Speaking Enhancement (speakTypingWords)

2024.0.4 (dev) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 speakTypingWords 2024.0.4 (dev)

Speech Filter (speechFilter)

0.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2025.1 speechFilter 0.1.1 (stable)

Speech history review and copying (speechHistory)

2024.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 speechHistory 2024.1 (stable)

Speech history Explorer (speechHistoryExplorer)

2023.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 speechHistoryExplorer 2023.3 (stable)

Speech Logger (speechLogger)

24.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.2 speechLogger 24.2.1 (stable)

Speech Logger (speechLogger)

24.2.506 (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2025.1 speechLogger 24.2.506 (dev)

Speech Logger (speechLogger)

24.2.101 (beta) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.2 speechLogger 24.2.101 (beta)

SpeechPlayer in Espeak (speechPlayerInEspeak)

0.4.1 (stable) From NVDA 2012.3 up to 2019.2 speechPlayerInEspeak 0.4.1 (stable)

Spellcheck (spellcheck)

1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2021.2 spellcheck 1.1 (stable)

Sprites table navigation for Chrome (sprites-nvda)

0.9.2 (stable) From NVDA 2020.3 up to 2021.1 sprites-nvda 0.9.2 (stable)

StationPlaylist (stationPlaylist)

25.01 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.4 stationPlaylist 25.01 (stable)

StationPlaylist (stationPlaylist)

24.01.100 (dev) From NVDA 2022.4 up to 2024.1 stationPlaylist 24.01.100 (dev)

StationPlaylist (stationPlaylist)

24.01.20 (beta) From NVDA 2022.4 up to 2024.1 stationPlaylist 24.01.20 (beta)

stopwatch and time functions (stopwatch)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 stopwatch 1.0 (stable)

字幕閱讀器 (subtitle_reader)

3.11 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2024.1 subtitle_reader 3.11 (stable)

SuperBrowser (superbrowser)

0.1dev (stable) From NVDA 2018.4 up to 2018.4 superbrowser 0.1dev (stable)

SVOX Pico TTS Voices (svox-pico)

2.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 svox-pico 2.0 (stable)

SVOX Pico TTS Voices (svox-pico)

3.4-dev (dev) From NVDA 2018.3 up to 2022.1 svox-pico 3.4-dev (dev)

Switch synth (switchSynth)

1.06.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2024.1 switchSynth 1.06.3 (stable)

Symbol level backwards (symbolLevelBackwards)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 symbolLevelBackwards 1.0 (stable)

Insert Symbols (symbols)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 symbols 1.0 (stable)

Synth ring settings selector (synthRingSettingsSelector)

23.5.2 (stable) From NVDA 2018.3 up to 2023.1 synthRingSettingsSelector 23.5.2 (stable)

SysTrayList (systrayList)

2024.03.23 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 systrayList 2024.03.23 (stable)

Task Switcher (taskSwitcher)

1.3 (stable) From NVDA 2024.2 up to 2024.2 taskSwitcher 1.3 (stable)

TeamViewer (teamViewer)

2.3 (stable, verified*) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 teamViewer 2.3 (stable)

TeamViewer (teamViewer)

3.0-dev (dev, verified*) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 teamViewer 3.0-dev (dev)

teamviewerQS (teamviewerQS)

1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.1 up to 2022.2 teamviewerQS 1.1 (stable)

TesseractOCR: An OCR add-on (tesseractOCR)

2024.11.02 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.4 tesseractOCR 2024.11.02 (stable)

text information (textInformation)

1.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 textInformation 1.3 (stable)

TextNav (textnav)

1.8 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2024.1 textnav 1.8 (stable)

Thunderbird+ (thunderbird+)

4.9.8 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 thunderbird+ 4.9.8 (stable)

Thunderbird+G5 (TB >= 115) (thunderbirdPlusG5)

2502.20.00 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 thunderbirdPlusG5 2502.20.00 (stable)

Tiflotecnia voices for NVDA (tiflotecniaVoices)

4.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 tiflotecniaVoices 4.0.0 (stable)

Time Zoner (timezone)

3.03 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 timezone 3.03 (stable)

* Verified: versions that comply with the latest international add-ons community publication processes and are published at the community's add-ons website.