cricricri (cricricri)
Attention: legacy add-on These downloads are provided for learning and archive purposes, and users of old NVDA releases (we strongly recommend to update your NVDA version if that were your case). This add-on has been declared legacy/obsolete by its author and is being no longer developed.
Available downloads
Available downloads for cricricri
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Last release date
2022-04-02 21:24:35
cricricri 0.2.1 (stable)
Complemento para cambiar el puñetero manifiesto
Top 10 - Most downloaded add-on releases
translate 2022.06.24 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (7982 downloads since 2022-06-27 16:34:08)TiendaNVDA 0.10 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (7456 downloads since 2024-01-23 10:07:10)addonPackager 1.5 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (6126 downloads since 2023-03-08 11:58:50)zRadio 0.6 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (5502 downloads since 2023-02-27 08:46:34)IBMTTS 23.12.1 compatible up to NVDA 2024.2 (4103 downloads since 2023-12-31 08:36:28)WhatsApp-desktop 2.2306.9 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (4059 downloads since 2023-03-02 13:07:05)cricricri 0.2.1 compatible up to NVDA 2022.1 (4021 downloads since 2022-04-02 21:24:35)remote 2.6.4 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (3900 downloads since 2024-01-31 07:09:16)lion 1.15-beta compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (3501 downloads since 2023-03-29 07:25:02)noBeepsSpeechMode 5.5 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (3447 downloads since 2024-01-12 19:11:00)
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