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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web


Showing 1-50 out of 499

Add-ons Directory Table
Name (click for details) Version Compatibility Download

Update channel selector (updateChannel)

1.12 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.1 updateChannel 1.12 (stable)

Windows App Essentials (wintenApps)

20250207.0.0 (dev) From NVDA 2025.1 up to 2025.1 wintenApps 20250207.0.0 (dev)

Windows App Essentials (wintenApps)

25.02.1 (stable) From NVDA 2024.4 up to 2024.4 wintenApps 25.02.1 (stable)

Proxy Support (proxy)

1.11 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.1 proxy 1.11 (stable)

NVDA Chinese Community Update Mirror (NVDACNMirror)

0.7.0 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 NVDACNMirror 0.7.0 (stable)

AI Content Describer (AIContentDescriber)

2025.02.05 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 AIContentDescriber 2025.02.05 (stable)

Place markers (placeMarkers)

44.2.0 (beta) From NVDA 2024.4 up to 2024.4 placeMarkers 44.2.0 (beta)


25.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2025.1 IBMTTS 25.1.1 (stable)

Clip manager (clipManager)

0.4 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.4 clipManager 0.4 (stable)

Emoticons (emoticons)

32.0.1 (dev) From NVDA 2025.1 up to 2025.1 emoticons 32.0.1 (dev)

Control Usage Assistant (controlUsageAssistant)

20241215.0.1 (dev) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.1 controlUsageAssistant 20241215.0.1 (dev)

Clip Contents Designer (clipContentsDesigner)

45.0.4 (dev) From NVDA 2025.1 up to 2025.1 clipContentsDesigner 45.0.4 (dev)

GoldWave (goldwave)

25.02 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 goldwave 25.02 (stable)

Enhanced Touch Gestures (enhancedTouchGestures)

25.02 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 enhancedTouchGestures 25.02 (stable)

obj Watcher (objWatcher)

1.0.3 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 objWatcher 1.0.3 (stable)

Resource Monitor (resourceMonitor)

25.02 (stable) From NVDA 2024.2 up to 2024.4 resourceMonitor 25.02 (stable)

Character information (charInfo)

3.4 (stable) From NVDA 2022.3 up to 2024.2 charInfo 3.4 (stable)

Enhanced Object Navigation (enhancedObjectNavigation)

0.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 enhancedObjectNavigation 0.2.1 (stable)

Calculator (My Calculator)

2.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.4 My Calculator 2.1.0 (stable)

Earcons and speech rules (phoneticPunctuation)

3.0.5 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 phoneticPunctuation 3.0.5 (stable)

Place markers (placeMarkers)

44.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.4 placeMarkers 44.0.0 (stable)

CloudVision (CloudVision)

4.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.1 up to 2024.4 CloudVision 4.2.1 (stable)

BrowserNav (browsernav)

2.7.3 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.1 browsernav 2.7.3 (stable)

Tele NVDA remote assistance (TeleNVDA)

2025.1.17 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.4 TeleNVDA 2025.1.17 (stable)

Object Location Tones (objLocTones)

24.07.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 objLocTones 24.07.0 (stable)

Thunderbird+G5 (TB >= 115) (thunderbirdPlusG5)

2501.15.00 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 thunderbirdPlusG5 2501.15.00 (stable)

v2rayN (v2rayN)

0.6 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 v2rayN 0.6 (stable)

Add-on Updater (addonUpdater)

25.1 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 addonUpdater 25.1 (stable)

Mouse enhancement (mouseEnhancement)

0.4.0 (stable) From NVDA 2024.4 up to 2024.4 mouseEnhancement 0.4.0 (stable)

字幕閱讀器 (subtitle_reader)

3.11 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2024.1 subtitle_reader 3.11 (stable)

Golden Cursor (goldenCursor)

6.9 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.4 goldenCursor 6.9 (stable)

radioCenter (radioCenter)

4.6.2 (stable) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.2 radioCenter 4.6.2 (stable)

Browser Options (Browser Options)

1.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.4 Browser Options 1.1.0 (stable)

FileZilla (filezilla)

2025.01.01 (stable) From NVDA 2021.3 up to 2024.1 filezilla 2025.01.01 (stable)

NVDA JSON (nvda-json)

2.0.2 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 nvda-json 2.0.2 (stable)

Calculate your BMI (BMI)

2024.6.17 (stable) From NVDA 2021.3 up to 2024.1 BMI 2024.6.17 (stable)

StationPlaylist (stationPlaylist)

25.01 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.4 stationPlaylist 25.01 (stable)

AMRadio (AMRadio)

1.2 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 AMRadio 1.2 (stable)

WordNav (wordNav)

2.2.8 (stable) From NVDA 2024.4 up to 2024.4 wordNav 2.2.8 (stable)

Hear2Read Indic Speech Synthesizer (Hear2Read NG)

1.5.1 (stable) From NVDA 2022 up to 2024.4 Hear2Read NG 1.5.1 (stable)

Favorite links (favoriteLinks)

2024.5.5 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.2 favoriteLinks 2024.5.5 (stable)

Contacts Manager for NVDA (contactsManager)

2024.4.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.2 contactsManager 2024.4.0 (stable)

Read Feeds (readFeeds)

38.1.0 (beta) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 readFeeds 38.1.0 (beta)

Gestor de Pomodoros (gestorDePomodoros)

1.14 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 gestorDePomodoros 1.14 (stable)

NVDA global commands extension (NVDAExtensionGlobalPlugin)

13.4.5 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.4 NVDAExtensionGlobalPlugin 13.4.5 (stable)

Program Resource Reporter (programResourceReporter)

2.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 programResourceReporter 2.0.0 (stable)

Buscador de definiciones de la RAE (DLEChecker)

2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 DLEChecker 2.1 (stable)

PC Keyboard Braille Input (pcKbBrl)

43.0.1 (dev) From NVDA 2025.1 up to 2025.1 pcKbBrl 43.0.1 (dev)

Control Usage Assistant (controlUsageAssistant)

20241215.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.4 controlUsageAssistant 20241215.0.0 (stable)

Enhanced Annotations (enhancedAnnotations)

19.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 enhancedAnnotations 19.0.0 (stable)