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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web


Showing 101-150 out of 509

Add-ons Directory Table
Name (click for details) Version Compatibility Download

stationPlaylist and encoder icon functions (StationTraylist)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 StationTraylist 1.0 (stable)

TCA SystemUtilities (TCA_SystemUtilities)

0.9.3 (stable) From NVDA 2018.2 up to 2024.3 TCA_SystemUtilities 0.9.3 (stable)

Tapin Radio Information Announcer (TapinRadioStatusAnnouncer)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 TapinRadioStatusAnnouncer 1.0 (stable)

TeamSpeak 3.3 Fixes (TeamSpeak)

2024.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.2 TeamSpeak 2024.1.1 (stable)

TeamTalk Classic Fixes (TeamTalk)

2023.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 TeamTalk 2023.1.1 (stable)

Tele NVDA remote assistance (TeleNVDA)

2025.3.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.4 TeleNVDA 2025.3.3 (stable)

Tele NVDA remote assistance (TeleNVDA)

2023.9.7-dev (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 TeleNVDA 2023.9.7-dev (dev)

TemporarySkip (TemporarySkip)

1.0.3 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.3 TemporarySkip 1.0.3 (stable)

Text Fragments (TextFragments)

2024.03.29 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 TextFragments 2024.03.29 (stable)

Texto para telegram (Texto para telegram)

1.3 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2021.2 Texto para telegram 1.3 (stable)

Tienda para NVDA (TiendaNVDA)

0.10 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 TiendaNVDA 0.10 (stable)

TimeCalculator (TimeCalculator)

1.2.3 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 TimeCalculator 1.2.3 (stable)

Report the time with seconds (TimeWithSeconds)

1.0.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2021.3 TimeWithSeconds 1.0.1 (stable)

Simple Timer and stopwatch for NVDA (TimerForNVDA)

1.6.5 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 TimerForNVDA 1.6.5 (stable)

Tones Volume (TonesVolume)

2024.04.01 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 TonesVolume 2024.04.01 (stable)

Reporting the International Phonetic Alphabet in Braille (TransIPA)

1.2.2 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 TransIPA 1.2.2 (stable)

Traductor Avanzado (TranslateAdvanced)

2024.09.19 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.3 TranslateAdvanced 2024.09.19 (stable)

UnigramCacheCleaner (UnigramCacheCleaner)

1.4.3 (stable) From NVDA 2021.2 up to 2024.1 UnigramCacheCleaner 1.4.3 (stable)

UnigramPlus (UnigramPlus)

5.2.0 (stable) From NVDA 2021.2 up to 2024.1 UnigramPlus 5.2.0 (stable)

Unspoken 3D Audio (Unspoken)

0.9.9 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 Unspoken 0.9.9 (stable)

Unspoken 3D Audio (Unspoken)

0.1 (old) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 Unspoken 0.1 (old)

Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) (VAC)

2024.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2018.1 up to 2024.1 VAC 2024.1.1 (stable)

VLC Media Player (VLC)

2024.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 VLC 2024.1.0 (stable)

VLC Media Player (VLC)

2024.0.2 (dev) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 VLC 2024.0.2 (dev)

VLC multimedia player: Accessibility enhancements (VLCAccessEnhancement)

2.12.2 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 VLCAccessEnhancement 2.12.2 (stable)

Ventrilo (Ventrilo)

1.0 (dev, verified*) From NVDA 2012.3 up to 2019.2 Ventrilo 1.0 (dev)

VoiceRingSelector (VoiceRingSelector)

1.6.1 (stable) From NVDA 2024.3 up to 2024.4 VoiceRingSelector 1.6.1 (stable)

Vscode-line-numbers (Vscode-line-numbers)

1.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2023.2 Vscode-line-numbers 1.2.1 (stable)

Wake Speaker (WakeSpeaker)

24.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.2 WakeSpeaker 24.1.1 (stable)

PC WeChat Enhancement (WeChatEnhancement)

1.8.5 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 WeChatEnhancement 1.8.5 (stable)

Weather_Plus (Weather_Plus)

9.7 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2024.3 Weather_Plus 9.7 (stable)

Weekday (Weekday)

1.1.4 (stable) From NVDA 2021.2 up to 2024.1 Weekday 1.1.4 (stable)

WhatsAppPlus (WhatsAppPlus)

2.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2021.2 up to 2024.1 WhatsAppPlus 2.1.0 (stable)

WikiChecker (WikiChecker)

1.2.4 (stable) From NVDA 2019.1 up to 2024.1 WikiChecker 1.2.4 (stable)

Winboard (Winboard)

dev-20230305.1427 (dev) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2023.1 Winboard dev-20230305.1427 (dev)

Automatic speech output for Windows Frotz (Windows Frotz)

1.2 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 Windows Frotz 1.2 (stable)

Windows Mail (WindowsMail)

3.3 (stable) From NVDA 2018.1 up to 2022.1 WindowsMail 3.3 (stable)

WlanReporter (WlanReporter)

2023.04.18 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 WlanReporter 2023.04.18 (stable)

WorldVoice (WorldVoice)

4.1 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.4 WorldVoice 4.1 (stable)

XPoseImage Captioner (XPoseImage Captioner)

0.8.4 (beta) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2023.1 XPoseImage Captioner 0.8.4 (beta)

XPoseImage Captioner (XPoseImage Captioner)

0.8.9 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 XPoseImage Captioner 0.8.9 (stable)

Yandex translator for NVDA (YandexTranslate)

2024.04.07 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 YandexTranslate 2024.04.07 (stable)

YoutubeLiveChat - Reads incoming chats from youtube live streams automatically. (YoutubeLiveChat)

0.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2019.3 YoutubeLiveChat 0.3 (stable)

YoutubePlay (YoutubePlay)

1.6 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2022.1 YoutubePlay 1.6 (stable)

accessible Pass Prompt (accessiblePassPrompt)

0.4 (beta) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2025.1 accessiblePassPrompt 0.4 (beta)

Add-on Updater (addonUpdater)

25.2 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 addonUpdater 25.2 (stable)

Add-on Updater (addonUpdater)

24.2.504 (dev) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 addonUpdater 24.2.504 (dev)

Add-on Updater (addonUpdater)

24.2.104 (beta) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 addonUpdater 24.2.104 (beta)

Add-ons documentation (addonsHelp)

2024.03.20 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2024.1 addonsHelp 2024.03.20 (stable)

Tools for managing add-ons (addonsTools)

2024.03.25 (stable) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.1 addonsTools 2024.03.25 (stable)

* Verified: versions that comply with the latest international add-ons community publication processes and are published at the community's add-ons website.