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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web

Weather_Plus (Weather_Plus)

Available downloads

Available downloads for Weather_Plus
Version Channel Minimum NVDA version Last tested NVDA version download count since last release update Last release date Download
9.7 stable 2017.3 2024.3 964 2024-08-26 15:58:17 Weather_Plus 9.7 (stable)


['Adds local temperature and forecast 24 ours and prediction up to 9 days.\n', 'NVDA+w for the current bulletin.\n', 'NVDA+shift+w for the prediction in the current 24 hours and prediction up to 9 days.\n', 'NVDA+shift+control+w for quickly enter a temporary city.\n', 'NVDA + shift + control + alt + w for open the Weather Plus settings.\n', 'NVDA+alt+w announces the date of the last update of the weather report.\n', 'Shift+control+w alternates between Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin.\n', 'For other instructions, you can also press Add-on Help button in Add-ons manager.']