NVDA Chinese Community Update Mirror (NVDACNMirror)
Available downloads
Available downloads for NVDACNMirror
Minimum NVDA version
Last tested NVDA version
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Last release date
2025-02-12 20:40:58
NVDACNMirror 0.7.1 (stable)
This update mirror source is provided for NVDA Chinese community users.
It can enhance the update speed of NVDA, improve the search and download speed of the add-on store, and resolve issues where certain network operators are unable to download add-ons from the add-on store, thus effectively improving user experience.
Top 10 - Most downloaded add-on releases
TiendaNVDA 0.10 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (9538 downloads since 2024-01-23 10:07:10)translate 2022.06.24 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (9299 downloads since 2022-06-27 16:34:08)addonPackager 1.5 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (6930 downloads since 2023-03-08 11:58:50)zRadio 0.6 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (6400 downloads since 2023-02-27 08:46:34)remote 2.6.4 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (5227 downloads since 2024-01-31 07:09:16)cricricri 0.2.1 compatible up to NVDA 2022.1 (4678 downloads since 2022-04-02 21:24:35)noBeepsSpeechMode 5.5 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (4371 downloads since 2024-01-12 19:11:00)lion 1.15-beta compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (4300 downloads since 2023-03-29 07:25:02)virtualRevision 2024.03.24 compatible up to NVDA 2024.1 (4239 downloads since 2024-03-24 08:30:44)zPortapapeles 0.5.1 compatible up to NVDA 2023.1 (3782 downloads since 2023-03-03 18:07:08)
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