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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web

Texto para telegram (Texto para telegram)

Important: This request cannot be updated. To publish a corrected version for review as add-on author or request submitter, submit a new review request.

Add-on description

Este addon envia o texto que estiver atualmente na área de transferência para um bot no telegram.

Public review comments

Public comments for Texto para telegram
Author's nickname Comment text Creation date
sukil The add-on''s code seems safe. I haven''t run it but I looked at its code. 2021-08-17 07:52:01
Ângelo Abrantes My english is not so good as I''d want, but i''m going to try to tell some things: 1. Concerning internacionalization, the addon should be writen in english. 2. All works need a documentation file. 3. This work is not prepared to be translated. 4. I think that it''s necessary to modify all the work. 2021-08-18 15:55:53
jmdaweb I have reviewed it. There is much to improve, but it''s safe. 2021-09-26 15:04:11
Registered 2021-09-27 00:07:11

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