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Custom Notifications (customNotifications)

Available downloads

Available downloads for customNotifications
Version Channel Minimum NVDA version Last tested NVDA version download count since last release update Last release date Download
3.1.0 beta 2023.2 2024.1 1826 2023-12-26 09:57:12 customNotifications 3.1.0 (beta)
10.0.0 stable 2023.2 2024.4 308 2024-10-20 10:47:35 customNotifications 10.0.0 (stable)
3.0.1 dev 2023.2 2024.1 771 2023-12-11 18:59:32 customNotifications 3.0.1 (dev)


Choose how NVDA should read toast notifications. You can read just the application which sent a toast, and choose if notifications are spoken, displayed in braille or both. This may improve your experience with toast notifications and help you to keep your privacy.