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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web


Showing 151-200 out of 509

Add-ons Directory Table
Name (click for details) Version Compatibility Download

Accessible agenda (agenda)

2024.03.21 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 agenda 2024.03.21 (stable)

alzaker (alzaker)

1.2.2 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.3 alzaker 1.2.2 (stable)

Android Studio Enhancements (androidStudio)

2024.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 androidStudio 2024.1 (stable)

Announce Scope (announceScope)

0.1 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 announceScope 0.1 (stable)

Application Dictionary (applicationDictionary)

2024.03.21 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 applicationDictionary 2024.03.21 (stable)

ApprentiClavier: accessibility enhancement (apprentiClavierAccessEnhancement)

1.12 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 apprentiClavierAccessEnhancement 1.12 (stable)

AttriBra (attribra)

0.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2025.9 attribra 0.3 (stable)

Audacity multi-track editor: accessibility enhancement (audacityAccessEnhancement)

3.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.4 audacityAccessEnhancement 3.2.1 (stable)

Audio Manager (audioManager)

1.0.7 (stable) From NVDA 2022.4 up to 2024.1 audioManager 1.0.7 (stable)

Audio Screen (audioScreen)

2022.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2022.1 audioScreen 2022.1 (stable)

Audiocinemateca para NVDA (audiocinemateca)

1.3 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 audiocinemateca 1.3 (stable)

Audio Themes (audiothemes)

5.1 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 audiothemes 5.1 (stable)

Audio Themes (audiothemes)

6.0b2 (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2019.3 audiothemes 6.0b2 (dev)

Baidu Translation (baiduTranslation)

1.7.5 (stable) From NVDA 2022.4 up to 2024.1 baiduTranslation 1.7.5 (stable)

balloon history with shift NVDA f11 (balloonHistory)

1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 balloonHistory 1.1 (stable)

Beep Keyboard (beepKeyboard)

24.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2018.3 up to 2024.2 beepKeyboard 24.1.1 (stable)

Bit Che (bitChe)

2.8 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.3 bitChe 2.8 (stable)

BluetoothAudio (bluetoothaudio)

1.5.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2023.3 bluetoothaudio 1.5.3 (stable)

Bme2 App Module (bme2)

2021.07.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2021.1 bme2 2021.07.1 (stable)

happy halloween! (boo)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 boo 1.0 (stable)

BrailleME Display by Innovision Tech (brailleme)

0.91 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2022.1 brailleme 0.91 (stable)

BrowserNav (browsernav)

2.7.3 (stable) From NVDA 2024.1 up to 2024.1 browsernav 2.7.3 (stable)

Captcha Solver (captchaSolver)

2023.04.18 (stable) From NVDA 2021.2 up to 2023.1 captchaSolver 2023.04.18 (stable)

Cecitek (cecitek)

0.5 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 cecitek 0.5 (stable)

Character information (charInfo)

3.4 (stable) From NVDA 2022.3 up to 2024.2 charInfo 3.4 (stable)

Character information (charInfo)

2.0 (dev) From NVDA 2022.3 up to 2023.1 charInfo 2.0 (dev)

Check Input Gestures (checkGestures)

1.0.6 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 checkGestures 1.0.6 (stable)

Check Input Gestures (checkGestures)

1.0.1-dev (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2020.4 checkGestures 1.0.1-dev (dev)

Chessmart (chessmart)

0.2 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2022.4 chessmart 0.2 (stable)

Classic Selection (classicSelection)

1.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2022.1 classicSelection 1.3 (stable)

Clip Contents Designer (clipContentsDesigner)

45.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.4 clipContentsDesigner 45.0.0 (stable)

Clip Contents Designer (clipContentsDesigner)

45.0.4 (dev) From NVDA 2025.1 up to 2025.1 clipContentsDesigner 45.0.4 (dev)

Clip Contents Designer (clipContentsDesigner)

7.2 (old) From NVDA 2014.1 up to 2018.1 clipContentsDesigner 7.2 (old)

Clip Contents Designer (clipContentsDesigner)

39.1.0 (beta) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.3 clipContentsDesigner 39.1.0 (beta)

Clip manager (clipManager)

0.5 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.4 clipManager 0.5 (stable)

Clipboard Enhancement (clipboardEnhancement)

2.9.0 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 clipboardEnhancement 2.9.0 (stable)

Historial del portapapeles (clipboardHistory)

1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 clipboardHistory 1.1 (stable)

Clipspeak (clipspeak)

2024.03.21 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 clipspeak 2024.03.21 (stable)

Clock (clock)

31.08.0 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 clock 31.08.0 (stable)

Clock (clock)

22.06 (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2022.1 clock 22.06 (dev)

Cloud OCR (cloudOCR)

0.1 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 cloudOCR 0.1 (stable)

Code Factory Voices for NVDA (codefactory)

1.14 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 codefactory 1.14 (stable)

Code Factory Voices for NVDA (codefactory)

1.9 (old) From NVDA 2014.1 up to 2019.2 codefactory 1.9 (old)

Columns Review (columnsReview)

5.4.0 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.4 columnsReview 5.4.0 (stable)

Columns Review (columnsReview)

5.4.20241127 (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.4 columnsReview 5.4.20241127 (dev)

Command Helper (commandHelper)

2024.0.3 (dev) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 commandHelper 2024.0.3 (dev)

Command Helper (commandHelper)

2024.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.3 commandHelper 2024.2.1 (stable)

Command Palette (command_palette)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2021.1 command_palette 1.0 (stable)

Visor para las consolas de Windows (consoleLog)

1.3 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 consoleLog 1.3 (stable)

Console Timer (consoleTimer)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 consoleTimer 1.0 (stable)