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NVDA Add-ons Directory

The largest international NVDA add-ons store available on the web


Showing 451-500 out of 509

Add-ons Directory Table
Name (click for details) Version Compatibility Download

Tip Of The Day (tipOfTheDay)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2012.3 up to 2019.2 tipOfTheDay 1.0 (stable)

Tone Master (toneMaster)

1.5 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 toneMaster 1.5 (stable)

Tony's enhancements (tonysEnhancements)

1.22 (stable) From NVDA 2024.2 up to 2024.2 tonysEnhancements 1.22 (stable)

ToolbarsExplorer (toolbarsExplorer)

1.8 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.2 toolbarsExplorer 1.8 (stable)

ToolbarsExplorer (toolbarsExplorer)

20230217-dev (dev) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2023.1 toolbarsExplorer 20230217-dev (dev)

Training Keyboards Commands (trainingKeyboardCommands)

3.2.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 trainingKeyboardCommands 3.2.3 (stable)

Training Keyboards Commands (trainingKeyboardCommands)

3.1.1 (beta) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 trainingKeyboardCommands 3.1.1 (beta)

Training Keyboards Commands (trainingKeyboardCommands)

3.2.4 (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2025.1 trainingKeyboardCommands 3.2.4 (dev)

Translate (translate)

2022.06.24 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2023.1 translate 2022.06.24 (stable)

TT-announcer (ttAnnouncer)

0.4 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2023.1 ttAnnouncer 0.4 (stable)

Txt reader (txtReader)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2025.1 txtReader 1.0 (stable)

typing_settings (typing_settings)

0.3 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.2 typing_settings 0.3 (stable)

Unicode ASCII (unicodeAscii)

1.4 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 unicodeAscii 1.4 (stable)

Unicode Braille Input (unicodeBrailleInput)

4.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 unicodeBrailleInput 4.1.0 (stable)

Unicode Braille Input (unicodeBrailleInput)

3.3 (dev) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2022.1 unicodeBrailleInput 3.3 (dev)

Unicode Braille Input (unicodeBrailleInput)

4.1.1 (beta) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2025.1 unicodeBrailleInput 4.1.1 (beta)

Unigram-access - makes unigram application more accessible (unigramAccess)

0.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2020.1 unigramAccess 0.1 (stable)

Unmute Windows audio (unmute)

1.5.8 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 unmute 1.5.8 (stable)

Update channel selector (updateChannel)

1.14 (stable) From NVDA 2023.3 up to 2024.4 updateChannel 1.14 (stable)

URL Shortener (urlShortener)

17.0.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 urlShortener 17.0.0 (stable)

URL Shortener (urlShortener)

10.1.0 (beta) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 urlShortener 10.1.0 (beta)

URL Shortener (urlShortener)

17.0.1 (dev) From NVDA 2025.1 up to 2025.1 urlShortener 17.0.1 (dev)

userParams. (userParams)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 userParams 1.0 (stable)

v2rayN (v2rayN)

0.7 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 v2rayN 0.7 (stable)

Version Collector (versionCollector)

23.00.065 (beta) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 versionCollector 23.00.065 (beta)

Virtual Copy (virtualCopy)

1.2.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 virtualCopy 1.2.1 (stable)

virtual keyboard (virtualKeyboard)

2024.6 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 virtualKeyboard 2024.6 (stable)

Virtual Notes For NVDA (creates virtual notes to be read by NVDA) (virtualNotesForNVDA)

1.2.0 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 virtualNotesForNVDA 1.2.0 (stable)

Virtual Review (virtualRevision)

2024.03.24 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 virtualRevision 2024.03.24 (stable)

Visma Administration (vismaAdministration)

2023.2 (stable) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2023.1 vismaAdministration 2023.2 (stable)

visual studio add-on (visualStudio)

1.0dev (dev) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 visualStudio 1.0dev (dev)

Nuance Vocalizer 5.5 Driver (vocalizer_automotive_driver)

2.1.6 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 vocalizer_automotive_driver 2.1.6 (stable)

Vocalizer Expressive 1.1 Driver (vocalizer_expressive_driver)

3.1.11 (stable) From NVDA 2022.1 up to 2024.1 vocalizer_expressive_driver 3.1.11 (stable)

VoiceToggle (voiceToggle)

1.5.3 (stable) From NVDA 2023.2 up to 2024.4 voiceToggle 1.5.3 (stable)

Volume Adjustment (volumeAdjustment)

1.3.6 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 volumeAdjustment 1.3.6 (stable)

Volume Adjustment (volumeAdjustment)

1.3.4 (dev) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 volumeAdjustment 1.3.4 (dev)

Volume Adjustment (volumeAdjustment)

1.3.5 (beta) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 volumeAdjustment 1.3.5 (beta)

Volume Manager (volumeManager)

0.6.4 (dev) From NVDA 2024.2 up to 2025.1 volumeManager 0.6.4 (dev)

Web Access for NVDA (webAccess)

2024.04.11 (dev) From NVDA 2021.1 up to 2024.1 webAccess 2024.04.11 (dev)

Webcam helper (webcamHelper)

0.1.1 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2023.3 webcamHelper 0.1.1 (stable)

whatsapp (whatsapp)

2.3.0 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.4 whatsapp 2.3.0 (stable)

whiteNoise (whiteNoise)

2023.1 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2023.1 whiteNoise 2023.1 (stable)

winExplore (winExplore) (stable) From NVDA 2018.1 up to 2022.1 winExplore (stable)

provee la lectura de textos para el interprete de aventuras winGlulxe (winGlulxe)

1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 winGlulxe 1.0 (stable)

Windows Magnifier (winMag)

2.0 (dev) From NVDA 2018.3 up to 2022.1 winMag 2.0 (dev)

Windows Magnifier (winMag)

3.8 (stable) From NVDA 2019.2 up to 2024.1 winMag 3.8 (stable)

Win Wizard (winWizard)

5.0.6 (stable) From NVDA 2019.3 up to 2024.1 winWizard 5.0.6 (stable)

Windows 7 Magnifier integration for the NVDA GUI (windows7magnifier)

1.1.0 (stable) From NVDA 2017.3 up to 2019.2 windows7magnifier 1.1.0 (stable)

WindowsOfProcess (windowsOfProcess)

2024.3.24 (stable) From NVDA 2023.1 up to 2024.1 windowsOfProcess 2024.3.24 (stable)

Windows App Essentials (wintenApps)

25.03.1 (stable) From NVDA 2024.4 up to 2024.4 wintenApps 25.03.1 (stable)